If I can stop laughing long enough to share this story with you I am sure you will love it as much as I did. Sunday morning we were all getting ready for church. Those of you who know me know I hate to be late. I have to get a side bench so I can contain the kids easier. But anyway, we were running a few minutes late, I was starting to freak a little, trying to get everyone to hurry faster. THEN.........I look over at Brian and see this... I could not stop laughing. This is what you get when you try to sneak one of the kids go-gurts for breakfast really fast!!!! (still giggling a lot)
How To Make Homemade Box Mix Brownies
3 days ago
That is too funny...too bad he didn't have a kid in his arms to blame it on!!! Cute new family picture!!
Thanks for the website...I have seen lots of recipes that I'm planning to try on that and some others sites as well. Goats milk is on his list of stuff he can't have. BOO! Anyway, I'll keep trying with the soy and rice and see what the allergist says if he'll ever call back!!!! Thanks for the help!
hahahahahaahahaha hahahahahahahahahaahahahah
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